Enter the URL of the site you want to test
Simply really…
These features are for regular iPhone Tester users who want to streamline their testing.
You add some queries to the URL of this site to which you can bookmark for repeated testing.
You can even use a combination of the two eg.http://iphonetester.com/?url=http://rmwpublishing.net&orient=hort.
This site was whipped up one evening (I went to bed about 5 am) the day before the iPhone went on sale (29 Jul 07). iPhoney was the inspiration for the site, but I could see that something similar could be done online. That way Windows users (I feel for you) can also test sites and Mac users don't need to download another app.
Check out these sites on iPhone Tester or on your real Apple iPhone.
Updated: 18 Nov 2008
Keep up-to-date with new iPhone purposed sites through these listings.
There are a going number of resources on the 'net for the iPhone [website] developement, Apple even has a page. But many of there sites are one-way read only documents that don't allow you add your own findings when developing a site specifically for the iPhone. iphone.wikidot.com is a free online Wiki for anyone to contribute to. Please come and add what you have found so that others without an iPhone, like me (in Australia where the I phone is not yet released) can build sites for this device.
iphone.wikidot.com - an open ad-free wiki for iPhone Developers.
This is a bunch of growing HTML/CSS/JavaScript (front-end) tests to see how things are rendered on the iPhone or iPod Touch (or any other mobile device, particularly running webkit - like Google Android and most new Nokia's).
(being written now)
There are already some great existing tests available: